
January 18, 3ish o’clock, at work.

Being a lab scientist has its benefits. We can swipe dry ice for bottle-explody experiments, usurp broken cell culture flasks to store bug carcasses, and we have infinite cardboard boxes at our disposal when it comes time to move. And when it’s a record-breaking day in Sydney, Australia, we have the sensitive digital thermometers to set out in the shade in the courtyard for evidence.

That’s one hundred and twelve degrees for you fahrenheit people. IN THE SHADE.


I’ve finally heard from my hopeful-potential-new-boss!!!!!

I just did a stationary happy dance that quite excited the dogs from a dead sleep and caused them to come and roll over on their backs to receive celebratory scratches.

Ben and I cheers-ed with some australian beers we picked up today during a dog adventure and I’m still all giddy. Hooooooorrrraaaaay!

I’m going to meet with my hopeful-new-lab next week and get introductions. I feel SO MUCH better about our financial security, and now I feel much less guilty about buying those three beers at the store today :)

PS: like everything else, it seems, beer is much more expensive here. Not quite twice as expensive, and I will be earning nearly twice as much as I did before, so there!